Opening of buildings 1976

In 1976 Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, opened the new Hall and the new science building at Cecil Place

Dovercourt girls in blazers and berets form a guard of honour in the Guildhall

"It was felt that all the girls should be involved in some way and be able to see Princess Alice. It was unfortunate that drizzling rain prevented Dovercourt girls from lining the steps of the Guildhall, but they gave PA a smart and smiling welcome inside. By the time her car reached the senior school, a bright sky made the summer blazers of the first guard of honour look satisfactorily appropriate.."
all quotations from the 1976 school magazine and newspaper reports of the day

"There was much careful planning. Music rehearsal, the planning of demonstration s and displays, the testing and timing of every part of the chain of activity the day would require…the military precision such an event required if guests were not to meet head-on in the old building's warren of corridors..."

Princess Alice makes her way down a corridor lined with senior girls.

The opening speech in the New Hall.

"In the new hall, Sally J presented her Royal Highness with a bouquet, and many speakers spoke of the Trust and its traditions and the new buildings. The good wishes of Princess Alice, and her declaration of interest in all the Trust does, culminated in a popular request for a day’s holiday.
After Princess Alice opened the hall it was dedicated by the Bishop of Portsmouth."

"A concert, with choral and solo items, was then offered, while Princess Alice toured the new buildings where work in art, mathematics, physics chemistry and biology was proceeding."

Another guard of honour on the way to Cecil Place

Inspecting a Physics experiment.

"The Princess saw pupils at work in laboratories, including watching them dissect fish and studying live maggots. There she talked with evident interest to many of the girls, and performed a short ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque in the entrance lobby."

"Finally her Royal Highness was entertained informally by members of the sixth form in the library."

Miss Clarke said "It is a tremendous achievement, a heartening act of faith, that at a time of such stress, of gathering economic gloom, of loss of national confidence, of turmoil in education when the existence of such schools as this is being called into question, money should have been found for these two great projects. I think we can agree it was a highly successful occasion in every way."

Meeting the sixth form, ranged nervously round the library